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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Pregnancy

Pelvic floor physical therapy can provide a specialized total body strengthening program in preparation for the marathon of labor and birthing your baby. Pelvic floor and hip strength are particularly important for this this event as well as helping with optimal positioning of the babies head.


Pelvic floor physical therapy also teaches various strategies on how to bear down without stressing your pelvic floor and how to utilize your abdominals in the most effective and safest way possible for you and your baby.This training will help to decrease the risk of a prolonged pushing phase and the potential for pelvic floor tearing.


Education on the movements of the pelvic bones in different phases of labor can also provide different mobility activities to focus on while you are laboring to be as comfortable as possible. With your therapist you can practice all of these positions for laboring and pushing to see which is the most comfortable and effective for your body.


Whether you have a medication-free birth, epidural, or C-section, pelvic floor physical therapy will be able to help improve outcomes of getting back to your activities as quickly and safely as possible after delivery. 

Physical Floor Physical Therapy for the Post-Partum Phase

After the delivery of your baby, pelvic floor physical therapy is able to provide many techniques for helping your pelvic floor to heal in the best way possible. While your body is healing you also have a new baby to care for which can be stressful on your body when it comes to activities such as lifting and nursing.


Mid back, low back, shoulder, and neck pain are common when you are in the post-partum phase because your body tries to compensate while you experience adjusting to new postures and movements. Pelvic floor physical therapy can also reduce the risk of incontinence, constipation, and pelvic organ prolapse. â€‹


Once you are post-partum, you are always post-partum and pelvic floor physical therapy is able to help your body to function optimally. 

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